We help sustainably oriented companies to motivate and inspire their employees and customers by functionally optimising their office space and creating an innovative design based on their individual values.

Imagine you enter your office in the morning....

...the team laughs together and works productively in a good mood; they visibly feel good. Your customers like to visit you in the sustainably designed rooms that stylishly represent the philosophy and CI of your company.

The office of the future

How you can inspire and motivate your team and your customers with this extraordinary design concept. We offer you an all-round carefree package with full cost transparency.

Why sustainable office design?

The material things that surround us influence our well-being and health. That is why it is all the more important to know where they come from. Especially in office design, sustainable design offers many other advantages:

The office of the future

Our services

How can we support you?

Innenarchitektur Federleicht accompanies you both, in minor floor plan optimisations and renovations, and also through the entire building process with ease.


Design assessment

innenarchitektur federleicht tengelmann twentyone kueche

Design planning and presentation in 3D


Permit planning


Execution planning


Tendering of the trades


Construction supervision and documentation

Professionelle Büroplanung in München und Umgebung

Unser junges und dynamisches Team des Innenarchitektur-Büros "Federleicht" hat sich moderne Innenraumgestaltung mit Fingerspitzengefühl auf die Fahne geschrieben.
Unser Name ist Programm. Die Gründerin und Innenarchitektin Andrea Franke hat sich kompetente Mitarbeiter/Innen an ihre Seite geholt. Wir alle haben eine gemeinsame Philosophie, die sich an den Wünschen und Persönlichkeiten der Auftraggeber genauso orientiert wie an der gewünschten Ausstrahlung der zu gestaltenden Büro Räume. 

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